activate_info = "If you change the settings below you must restart the server before your changes take affect"
mx_query = "MX-query"
resolve = "Resolve"
smtp = "SMTP"
pop3 = "POP3"
imap = "IMAP"
ip_ranges = "IP Ranges"
logging = "Logging"
mirror = "Mirror"
security = "Security"
antivirus = "Antivirus"
routes = "Routes"
statistics = "Statistics"
advanced = "Advanced"
tcp_port = "TCP Port"
connections = "Connections"
max_connections = "Maximum number of simultaneous connections (0 for unlimited)"
delivery_of_e_mail = "Delivery of e-mail"
smtp_port = "SMTP Port"
number_ofretries = "Number of retries"
minutes_between_every_retry = "Minutes between every retry"
hostname = "Host name"
send_statistics = "Send statistics to"
send_statistics_info = "If you enable statistics, statistics is sent to every 100 message. The only thing included in the statistics is your version number.<br>No personal information on your configuration is sent."
allowsmtpauthplain = "Allow plain text authentication"
allowemptysender = "Allow empty sender address"
tarpitting = "Tarpitting"
count = "Count"
delay_seconds = "Delay (Seconds)"
open_relay = "Open relay"
ordb_info = " is the Open Relay Database. is a non-profit organisation which stores a IP-addresses of verified open SMTP relays. These relays are, or are likely to be, used as conduits for sending unsolicited bulk email, also known as spam."
spam = "Spam"
spam_info = "The SBL is a realtime database of IP addresses of verified spam sources (including spammers, spam gangs and spam support services), maintained by the Spamhaus Project team and supplied as a free service to help email administrators better manage incoming email streams."
mirror_info = "A copy of all e-mails sent on this server, including both incoming and outgoing messages, will be sent to the e-mail address entered as mirror-address below."
mirror_address = "Mirror address"
settings_mirror = "Settings mirror"
enable_logging = "Enable logging"
device = "Device"
file = "File"
log = "Log"
log_application = "Log application"
log_smtp = "SMTP conversations"
log_pop3 = "POP3 conversations"
log_imap = "IMAP conversations"
log_tcpip = "TCP/IP conversations"
log_debug_messages = "Debug messages"
lower_ip = "Lower IP"
upper_ip = "Upper IP"
priority = "Priority"
add_range = "Add range"
edit_range = "Edit range"
delete_range = "Delete range"
ipranges = "IP Ranges"
allow_connections = "Allow connections"
require_auth_for_delivery = "Require Authentication for deliveries"
to_local_accounts = "To local accounts"
to_remote_accounts = "To remote accounts"
allow_deliveries_from = "Allow deliveries from"
local_to_local_accounts = "Local to local accounts"
local_to_external_accounts = "Local to external accounts"
external_to_local_accounts = "External to local accounts"
external_to_external_accounts = "External to external accounts"
enter_email = "Enter E-mail"
settings_text = "Select from the menu to edit settings"
actual_mailboxsize_size = "Actual size"
tools = "Tools"
tools_info = "Select from the menu to access tools"
backup = "Backup"
backup_complete = "Backup complete"
backup_options = "Select what you would like to backup"
backup_domains = "Domains"
backup_accounts = "Accounts"
backup_aliases = "Aliases"
backup_distributionlists = "Distributionlists"
backup_filters = "Filters"
backup_services = "Services"
backup_settings = "Settings"
backup_filename = "Filename"
global_filters = "Global filters"
backup_result = "Backup result"
requiresmtpauth = "Require SMTP Authentication"
requiredaddress = "Require sender address"
downloadfile = "Download file"
show_file = "Show file"
you_need_to_enter_filename = "You need to enter filename"
restore = "Restore"
plugins = "Plugins"
restore_result = "Restore result"
logon = "Logon"
login_info = ""
delete_route = "Delete route"
# plugin : search email - start
search_email = "Seach for email"
search = "Search"
# plugin : search email - end
version = "Version"
logout = "Log out"
permission_denied = "Permission denied"
must_specify_up = "You must enter both username and password."
must_specify_at = "You must use your full email address as username."
incorrect_user_or_pw = "Incorrect username or password."