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/ Windows News 2005 November / WNnov2005.iso / Windows / Equipement / hMailServer / hMailServer-4.1-Build-136.exe / {app} / PHPWebAdmin / language / english.lang
Text File  |  2005-07-17  |  8KB  |  224 lines

  1. # $Id: english.lang,v 1.10 2005/07/17 19:01:44 hmailserver Exp $
  2. admin_login = "Admin login"
  3. username = "Username"
  4. password = "Password"
  5. login = "Login"
  6. incorrect_login = "Incorrect login"
  7. welcome = "Welcome"
  8. welcome_text = Welcome to Hmailserver web admin
  9. home = "Home"
  10. domains = "Domains"
  11. filters = "Filters"
  12. live = "Live"
  13. settings = "Settings"
  14. logout = "Logout"
  15. domainname = "Domain name"
  16. functions = "Functions"
  17. edit = "Edit"
  18. delete = "Delete"
  19. add_domain = "Add domain"
  20. domain = "Domain"
  21. name    = "Name"
  22. postmaster = "Catch-all address"
  23. save = "Save"
  24. active = "Active"
  25. accounts = "Accounts"
  26. alias = "Alias"
  27. distribution_lists = "Distribution lists"
  28. domain_accounts = "Accounts"
  29. add_domainaccount = "Add account"
  30. account = "Account"
  31. yes = "Yes"
  32. no = "No"
  33. add = "Add"
  34. address = "Address"
  35. mailboxsize = "Maximum size (MB)"
  36. active_directory = "Active directory"
  37. active_directory_short = "AD"
  38. auto_reply = "Auto reply"
  39. general = "General"
  40. current_mailboxsize = "Current size (MB)"
  41. isad = "Active directory active"
  42. addomain = "Active directory domain"
  43. adusername = "Active directory username"
  44. add_accountfilter = "Add account filter"
  45. account_filters = "Account filters"
  46. field = "Field"
  47. value = "Value"
  48. action = "Action"
  49. from = "From"
  50. to = "To"
  51. subject = "Subject"
  52. in_field = "In the field"
  53. filter = "Filter"
  54. has_value = "Has value"
  55. filter_action = "Then"
  56. delete_mail = "Delete mail"
  57. enable = "Enable"
  58. text = "Text"
  59. delete_account = "Delete account"
  60. server = "Server"
  61. domain_aliases = "Aliases"
  62. redirect_from = "Redirect from"
  63. redirect_to = "Redirect to"
  64. add_alias = "Add alias"
  65. add_distribution_list = "Add distribution list"
  66. recipients ="Recipients"
  67. server_state = "Server status"
  68. server_stopped = "Stopped"
  69. server_startpending = "Start pending"
  70. server_stoppending = "Stop pending"
  71. server_running = "Running"
  72. server_unknownstate = "Unknown status"
  73. smtp_server = "SMTP server"
  74. pop3_server = "POP3 server"
  75. imap_server = "IMAP server"
  76. enabled = "Enabled"
  77. disabled = "Disabled"
  78. aliases    = "Aliases"
  79. distributionlist = "Distributionlist"
  80. cancel = "Cancel"
  81. add_recipients = "Add recipients"
  82. add_filter = "Add filter"
  83. current_state = "Current state"
  84. stop_server = "Stop"
  85. start_server = "Start"
  86. activate = "Activate"
  87. activate_info = "If you change the settings below you must restart the server before your changes take affect"
  88. mx_query = "MX-query"
  89. resolve = "Resolve"
  90. smtp = "SMTP"
  91. pop3 = "POP3"
  92. imap = "IMAP"
  93. ip_ranges = "IP Ranges"
  94. logging = "Logging"
  95. mirror = "Mirror"
  96. security = "Security"
  97. antivirus = "Antivirus"
  98. routes = "Routes"
  99. statistics = "Statistics"
  100. advanced = "Advanced"
  101. tcp_port = "TCP Port"
  102. connections = "Connections"
  103. max_connections = "Maximum number of simultaneous connections (0 for unlimited)"
  104. delivery_of_e_mail = "Delivery of e-mail"
  105. smtp_port = "SMTP Port"
  106. number_ofretries = "Number of retries"
  107. minutes_between_every_retry = "Minutes between every retry"
  108. hostname = "Host name"
  109. send_statistics = "Send statistics to hMailServer.com"
  110. send_statistics_info = "If you enable statistics, statistics is sent to hMailServer.com every 100 message. The only thing included in the statistics is your version number.<br>No personal information on your configuration is sent."
  111. delivery_threads = "Delivery threads"
  112. smtp_relayer = "SMTP relayer"
  113. server_requires_auth = "Server requires authentication"
  114. other = "Other"
  115. welcome_message = "Welcome message"
  116. settings_smtp_security = "Settings SMTP security"
  117. allowsmtpauthplain = "Allow plain text authentication"
  118. allowemptysender = "Allow empty sender address"
  119. tarpitting = "Tarpitting"
  120. count = "Count"
  121. delay_seconds = "Delay (Seconds)"
  122. open_relay = "Open relay"
  123. ordb_info = "ORDB.org is the Open Relay Database. ORDB.org is a non-profit organisation which stores a IP-addresses of verified open SMTP relays. These relays are, or are likely to be, used as conduits for sending unsolicited bulk email, also known as spam."
  124. spam = "Spam"
  125. spam_info = "The SBL is a realtime database of IP addresses of verified spam sources (including spammers, spam gangs and spam support services), maintained by the Spamhaus Project team and supplied as a free service to help email administrators better manage incoming email streams."
  126. settings_smtp_antivirus = "Settings SMTP antivirus"
  127. use_clamwin = "Use ClamWin"
  128. clamwinexecutable = "ClamScan executable"
  129. clamwindbfolder = "Path to ClamScan database"
  130. delete_email = "Delete e-mail"
  131. delete_attachment = "Delete Attachments"
  132. notify_sender = "Notify sender"
  133. notify_receiver = "Notify recpient"
  134. settings_smtp_routes = "Settings SMTP :: Routes"
  135. addresses = "Addresses"
  136. delivery = "Delivery"
  137. target_smtp_host = "Target SMTP host"
  138. add_route = "Add route"
  139. treat_this_route_as = "Treat this route as"
  140. a_local_domain = "a local domain"
  141. an_external_domain = "an external domain"
  142. edit_route = "Edit route"
  143. settings_smtp_routes_addresses = "Settings smtp routes addresses"
  144. add_route_address = "Add route address"
  145. delete_route_address = "Delete route address"
  146. deliver_to_all_address ="Deliver to all address"
  147. deliver_to_address = "Deliver to address below"
  148. smtp_settings = "SMTP settings"
  149. settings_smtp_routes_delivery = "Settings SMTP routes delivery"
  150. number_of_retries = "Number of retries"
  151. server_requires_authnetication = "Server requires authnetication"
  152. settings_pop3 = "Settings POP3"
  153. pop3_port = "POP3 port"
  154. settings_imap = "Settings IMAP"
  155. imap_port = "IMAP port"
  156. mirror_info = "A copy of all e-mails sent on this server, including both incoming and outgoing messages, will be sent to the e-mail address entered as mirror-address below."
  157. mirror_address = "Mirror address"
  158. settings_mirror = "Settings mirror"
  159. enable_logging = "Enable logging"
  160. device = "Device"
  161. file = "File"
  162. log = "Log"
  163. log_application = "Log application"
  164. log_smtp = "SMTP conversations"
  165. log_pop3 = "POP3 conversations"
  166. log_imap = "IMAP conversations"
  167. log_tcpip = "TCP/IP conversations"
  168. log_debug_messages = "Debug messages"
  169. lower_ip = "Lower IP"
  170. upper_ip = "Upper IP"
  171. priority = "Priority"
  172. add_range = "Add range"
  173. edit_range = "Edit range"
  174. delete_range = "Delete range"
  175. ipranges = "IP Ranges"
  176. allow_connections = "Allow connections"
  177. require_auth_for_delivery = "Require Authentication for deliveries"
  178. to_local_accounts = "To local accounts"
  179. to_remote_accounts = "To remote accounts"
  180. allow_deliveries_from = "Allow deliveries from"
  181. local_to_local_accounts    = "Local to local accounts"
  182. local_to_external_accounts = "Local to external accounts"
  183. external_to_local_accounts = "External to local accounts"
  184. external_to_external_accounts = "External to external accounts"
  185. enter_email = "Enter E-mail"
  186. settings_text = "Select from the menu to edit settings"
  187. actual_mailboxsize_size = "Actual size"
  188. tools = "Tools"
  189. tools_info = "Select from the menu to access tools"
  190. backup = "Backup"
  191. backup_complete = "Backup complete"
  192. backup_options = "Select what you would like to backup"
  193. backup_domains = "Domains"
  194. backup_accounts = "Accounts"
  195. backup_aliases = "Aliases"
  196. backup_distributionlists = "Distributionlists"
  197. backup_filters = "Filters"
  198. backup_services = "Services"
  199. backup_settings = "Settings"
  200. backup_filename = "Filename"
  201. global_filters = "Global filters"
  202. backup_result = "Backup result"
  203. requiresmtpauth = "Require SMTP Authentication"
  204. requiredaddress = "Require sender address"
  205. downloadfile = "Download file"
  206. show_file = "Show file"
  207. you_need_to_enter_filename = "You need to enter filename"
  208. restore = "Restore"
  209. plugins = "Plugins"
  210. restore_result = "Restore result"
  211. logon = "Logon"
  212. login_info = ""
  213. delete_route = "Delete route"
  214. # plugin : search email - start
  215. search_email = "Seach for email"
  216. search = "Search"
  217. # plugin : search email - end
  218. version = "Version"
  219. logout = "Log out"
  220. permission_denied = "Permission denied"
  221. must_specify_up = "You must enter both username and password."
  222. must_specify_at = "You must use your full email address as username."
  223. incorrect_user_or_pw = "Incorrect username or password."
  224. maxmessagesize="Maximum message size (KB)"